Friday 15 January 2010

How do I transfer photos to a digital photo frame from a card reader?

My Digital photo frame doesn't support the memory card I have in my camera. So, I bought a card reader & an 8GB photo card. What do I connect to what? Please provide me the exact steps & I'll be so grateful! Thanks!

Best Answer

Transfer the photos from your camera to your computer by whatever means makes you happy - using the card reader is the best way to do it.
Now sort out which photos are no good, and do whatever editing you want to the "good ones".

Now put the new memory card in the reader. Open the reader window via My Computer - removable drive (whatever the drive name is).
Also open the folder that contains your photos in another window.
Now simply click and drag the photos from your My Pictures folder across to the card reader window and let them copy onto the card.

Insert card into picture frame.

Answer by selina_555 on 05 Jan 2010 10:07:13

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